
Montagnes Magazine - Alaska: Doublé Américain Dans Les Kichatna Spires

Des couloirs de glace, un peu de mixte facile et des rochers recouverts d'une fine couche neigeuse, le tout gardé par un théâtre de champignons de neige. Voilà comment Hobby décrit Borealis Face, un itinéraire de 600 mètres à 85°, en glace et en neige…

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Planet Mountain - Citadel NW Face Climbed In Kichatna Spires

The next day, on April 20th, we climbed an easterly couloir/ice hose south of the Reisenstein on an unnamed peak. We started in the afternoon for safer conditions and simul-soloed the first portion of the route. We pitched out the climbing as it got harder, beginning with an AI5 ice hose in a corner with a few mixed moves at the exit. The real crux of the route was a…

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Desnivel - Doblete De Aperturas De Joseph Hobby Y Zach Lovell En Las Kichatna Spires

Joseph Hobby y Zach Lovell son dos amigos y guías estadounidenses de 34 y 30 años respectivamente. Esta primavera fueron a trabajar a Alaska una vez más y, tras completar la expedición con su grupo de clientes se tomaron un tiempo para intentar algún objetivo personal. El resultado fueron dos nuevas rutas…

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American Alpine Journal - Kichatnas Cathedral Spires Two New Routes 2023

Time is often an unhelpful metric when weighing the value of a trip in the mountains. Even a few days can gift the richest of experiences when partnership, conditions, and luck line up. From April 18 to 21, Joseph Hobby and I were fortunate to do two new routes on back-to-back days in the Cathedral Spires of the Kichatnas, during a brief period of good weather amid a stormy spring. On April 18, Paul Roderick of Talkeetna Air Taxi deftly pioneered…

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Gripped - Mount Mason / Mount Stansfield

Zach Lovell and Joseph Hobby have climbed two previously unclimbed peaks in the Alaska Range near Mount Russell on the Dall Glacier with one of them including a ski descent. While both of these routes are certainly…

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American Alpine Journal - Dall Glacier Mt Mason And Mt Stansfield 2022

“Zach, I just learned that Mason Stansfield died in a crevasse fall in AK.” I read and re-read the message on my satellite phone. Aside from the steady purr of a white gas stove, there was a somber silence in our kitchen tent. Four days prior, my two climbing partners and I had flown on the same plane as Mason and…

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American Alpine Journal - Crown Glacier Peasant Pillar 2021

One of my favorite parts of “going to school” in the Alaska Range are the annual lessons in adaptation. Both of my expeditions in June shared several elements: week-long weather delays, landing on backup glaciers, and healthy (or some may argue unhealthy) amounts of “Chappelle's Show.” The first expedition was with…

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KSL Feature - Wasatch Snowpack

SALT LAKE CITY — As families and vacationers alike pack the Utah's slopes for the holiday, avalanche experts urge people to be aware of dangerous backcountry conditions this season. “As we always say, risk is always inherent in mountain travel. And in Utah, we average about 2 1/2 avalanche fatalities each winter,” said Drew Hardesty, forecaster with…

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Erik Weihenmayer - Mount Baker

For this blog, I asked my good friend and climbing partner, Eric Alexander, to write his perspective on our recent climb of Mt. Baker. I've been putting my life in Eric's hands for more than 20 years now, so in the following article, I think you'll see why. - Erik Weihenmayer “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” Friedrich Nietzsche is credited with having said this, and, while this is often true, I have to wonder - does it make us…

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Vail Daily - Quebec's Pomme D'or

Erik Weihenmayer is one of the world's foremost mountaineers. He also happens to be blind. That didn't stop him from summiting the world's tallest peak, Mt. Everest, with the help of the Vail Valley's Eric Alexander and a host of others. But amid all that success, sometimes the best stories begin with those almost-successes, like their second assault on La Pomme d'Or — The Golden Apple, a spectacular 1,200-foot ice face along Quebec's Rivière Malbaie…

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Gore-Tex Partnership - Denali 2016

What does it take to lug 100lbs of gear up 2000 ft. worth of Denali, then set up camp, sleep (maybe) and do it all over again the next day? “By constantly staying on the go,” says Joseph Hobby of Wild Paths. Even when the holidays slow everyone else down, Joseph keeps moving forward with the Denali training, rather than Thanksgiving leftovers, in mind. More on his devotion, the art of not letting up, and more in #SendMe winner Joseph Hobby's most recent update as he moves closer to Denali…

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